About us
The Backstage
Bekenyn is a universe of adventure travel created by me, Aimeé. It tracks everything that has unfolded since I began adventuring in 2008. Here are some snippets of what you’ll find:
First experiences doing something outdoorsy
My introduction to outdoor sports (trail running, kayaking, climbing)
How I acquired more outdoor skills
Going on independent adventure trips (without guides)
All the content on this website flowed out of my brain and became a reference guide for new and aspiring adventurers. However, I mostly use the word “we” because my love and husband, Dexter, is sharing the journey with me. You’ll see a few guest blog posts by him every now and then and he'll contribute to the UK guide.
Curious to know more? Read a bit about us below.
"The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do."
Walter Bahegot
We want to make room for the people who want to adventure but don’t necessarily want to take it to an extreme level.
Are you curious about starting out in outdoor activities?
Bekenyn’s blog contains raw accounts of our travels and lessons. You’ll also find some inspiration and helpful advice.